Anno 1800 wiki needs
Anno 1800 wiki needs

anno 1800 wiki needs

The overall happiness penalty from pollution can be calculated using the following formula: Heavy factories can't have positive attractiveness, meaning that all excess positive attractiveness from items will be lost. Pollution can be mitigated by some Trade Union items, which either reduce the negative attractiveness by a certain percentage or add positive values. Having no heavy industries grants a bonus of +5 while as pollution increases, the happiness decreases, eventually turning into a negative number which can go as down as -20. Heavy industries' negative impact on attractiveness is also known as "pollution" and it lowers all tiers' happiness. More info about Working Conditions, as well as the specific formula for calculating overall happiness change of a specific tier, can be found on this page. Overall happiness change is based on three factors: applied working conditions, amount of workforce being employed in the affected factories, total workforce pool of the island. Working conditions are specific for every production building, but overall happiness change is applied to a specific tier basing on how much of its workforce is being exploited. You can also shorten their working time to make them happy (up to +40 ). It is possible to exploit your people making them work harder which negatively impacts their happiness (up to -40 ). When the island is under attack happiness gets lower and lower the longer a war goes on. People are happy when their home island is safe and there is no war (+5 happiness). When no luxury need is fulfilled people are dissatisfied and happiness is lowered by 20. Fulfilling all luxury needs grants +20 happiness.

anno 1800 wiki needs

People want to be supplied with luxury goods like schnapps and have access to certain public buildings like church. The happiness levels are influenced by five factors:

Anno 1800 wiki needs